Lure - meaning and definition. What is Lure
Online Dictionary

What (who) is Lure - definition

Luring; LURE; Lure (disambiguation); The Lure; The Lure (film)

·noun A velvet smoothing brush.
II. Lure ·vi To recall a hawk or other animal.
III. Lure ·noun Any enticement; that which invites by the prospect of advantage or pleasure; a decoy.
IV. Lure ·noun A contrivance somewhat resembling a bird, and often baited with raw meat;
- used by falconers in recalling hawks.
V. Lure ·noun To draw to the lure; hence, to allure or invite by means of anything that promises pleasure or advantage; to Entice; to Attract.
· & ·vb.n. of Lure.
v. (d; tr.) to lure into (to lure smb. into a trap)



Lure may refer to:

Pronunciation examples for Lure
1. to lure them in.
Generation Z _ Chloe Combi _ Talks at Google
2. Five-inch fishing lure, it's a big fishing lure,
3. to lure them back.
Yip _ Talks at Google
4. it's not just that lure.
5. The lure of worthless data.
A Deadly Wandering _ Matt Richtel _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of Lure
1. "Was it all just a lure for criminal conduct, a fantasy to lure people in because he‘s a monster?" Mr.
2. "It‘s taking time to lure them down here," he smirked.
3. The lure of a war is illogical, impossible to explain.
4. Such is the lure of these fabulous archaeological treasures.
5. The team also attached crushed shrimp as an odor lure.